10 Reasons Why the Beach is Good for your Soul
As summer begins to wrap up and the crowds begin to thin, I think it’s time for you to hit the sand, book in hand, cold beverage of choice and RELAX - because everyone deserves to soak in the greatness that is the beach.
Let’s face it...it’s been a crazy year! And there is nothing more satisfying than a relaxing beach day. So here are my 10 reasons why the beach is good for your soul:
- Have you ever been on the beach early in the morning for the sunrise? It’s about the most peaceful, serene feeling a human could have! Maybe I’m biased, but go see for yourself! It’s truly a great way to start any day.
- Can’t forget about a beach sunset. It’s the end of the day and you’re watching the pink, yellow and orange flood the sky as the sun hits the top of the water, inching further down as the seconds pass, soaking in the beauty that surrounds you literally everywhere. How can anyone be upset watching a sunset? Talk about breathtaking!
Photo by @visitpcb @donnasbeautifulpics
- Taking walks on the beach is a great way to exercise, de-stress from your busy life and is amazing for your calves...I mean, who doesn’t want nice calves right? Walking on the beach and breathing in that salt air seems to be just what the doctor ordered.
- Although it can get toasty (be sure to grab your Panama Jack suncare), the sun’s rays provide lots of vitamin D, which has been proven to help brighten your mood. Could I get an extra side of vitamin D for a case of Monday blues please!?
Photo by Alden Easter @aceatthebeach
- Don’t lie...you know EVERYONE looks and feels better with a tan. Plus, it’s a bonus if you have freckles! But if you end up a little too crispy, be sure to grab your Panama Jack After Sun Aloe.
- We are a water family so there is always something about the salt water that makes me feel SO good. Maybe it’s the smell of salt in the air or the fact that the salt water is good for your skin or it’s probably the way the salt water gives your hair the PERFECT beach curls. I’m going to go with all the above.
- Minimal clothing is required at the beach, so picking out an outfit is a no-brainer; sandals, bathing suit, t-shirt or cover up...BOOM, you’re ready! Or simply go with the “no shoes, no shirt, no problem” motto. So no need to stress over the perfect outfit, beachwear is truly the greatest clothing to ever exist.
Photo by Alden Easter @aceatthebeach
- If you use a sound machine to fall asleep at night, you already know the beach makes for a perfect location to take a nap. The soothing sound of the ocean or gulf is too much for anyone to resist, no matter your age. So take full advantage! Take that nap you never get to have!
- The beach scenery makes for great photos! Family sessions, Instagram posts and frame-worthy beach pictures are always a necessity. Plus, every time you look at them you will smile and the wonderful memories will flood your mind. Trust me on this one.
- The hypnotic waves - watching the ocean lets me think. It’s no secret that we can find ourselves getting lost staring or listening to the crash and beauty of the waves. With effortless attention, we give it all up to the waves. Watching the ocean or gulf lets you think because you turn off your capacity to think about work, cleaning the house, grocery shopping or that email you forgot to send. Go see for yourself, go watch some waves and think.

Photo by Myranda Elkin @photographybymyranda
I hope you are halfway out the door now with your chair, beach bag and cooler in tow. And even if you don’t think you deserve a beach day, this is your sign that you definitely do! Go soak it up.
Until next time - we’ll meet you in the water.